
Unmasking the Reality of Lung Cancer

Masks & Butterflies Gala 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024
6:30 PM – 10:30 AM
Devonian Gardens

Tickets: $150
100% of the proceeds going to Lung Cancer Research Initiatives.

Marda Loop Mardi Gras – August 2021

Unmasking the Reality of Lung Cancer – Marda Loop Mardi Gras – August 12, 2018

We had a blast at the Marda Loop Mardi Gras festival, held on August 12, 2018 in Calgary, Alberta.  As one of the three University of Calgary research groups participating in Diane Colton’s lung cancer awareness initiative “Unmasking the Reality of Lung Cancer”, we gave away prizes, informed the public about lung cancer, and promoted our first ever fundraising event!


Vienna World Lung Conference, 2016
Denver World Lung Conference, 2015